Indonesia is the 4th largest country in the world. The country which is on the equator, it has the potential of natural resources which are very abundant both on land and at sea. Its cultural wealth and natural resources must be cared for and maintained properly. Do not let the wealth was lost even taken by other nations. For example, a few years ago, batik, one of our local wisdom, was almost taken away by our neighboring country, Malaysia. If only we were silent and did not take care of batik as our nation's cultural heritage, maybe it would have been lost taken by other nations. In addition, Freeport, for example, which is an exotic resource that is rich in gold, minerals, nickel and uranium were exploited, taken away by other countries. Not to mention other natural resources such as gas, coal, petroleum and so on. This shows that Indonesia's natural resources have always been excellent in the eyes of the world.
Some time ago, our country was enlivened by incidents of Chinese ships entering Natuna waters. The boats were caught doing illegal fishing in our waters. The Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla) deployed 3 ships to drive Chinese ships from the Indonesian Economic Zone (EEZ) in Natuna waters. There was tension when Bakamla herded Chinese ships out of Indonesian waters. The reason, China claims that they consider the ships were still in the territorial waters of southern China. So they had the right to be in these waters and had the right to exploit natural resources and fishing there. Although at that time Bakamla succeeded in driving the Chinese ships out of Indonesian waters, it did not deter China from stopping sailing in Indonesian waters. Evidently, on January 7, 2020, the President together with Bakamla and the TNI again succeeded in driving China out of Indonesian waters.
After the president together with the TNI, Bakamla, and also the president's Chief of Staff, Moeldoko succeeded in driving the Chinese ships out of Indonesia's territory, he stopped in the Natuna Islands. On that occasion the President gave a statement: "There is no bargaining on the territorial boundaries of our sovereign territory. Here it is clear this is the territory of Indonesia. Here, there is a district, there is a province, there are 81 thousand inhabitants. We are firm ... this is our territory. Actually, the Chinese ships have not yet entered our territory, they only entered the Exclusive Economic Zone in our waters. It means, if there is a foreign ship, only passing is allowed, but if a foreign ship is caught catching fish and dredging our natural resources there, that is the violation. We can capture and drive them away. "He explained.
On the other hand, the elites of our nation discuss this issue. Bakamla spokesperson, Laksamadna Madya Ahmad Taufiqurrahman in his address at Mata Najwa program (09/01/2020) said that: "We must understand this issue so that we know why China dares to enter the EEZ region in our country. China claims unilaterally that the region in Natuna is still included in the South China Sea Region. This is known as the Nine Dash Line." While Chair of DPR RI Commission 1, Meutya Hafidz made a statement: "On this occasion, Bakamla should not explain what the nine dash line is. Indeed Bakamla must know, the TNI and us who are in commission 1 must also know. But it should, tell about how it happened when Bakamla drove out the Chinese ships in the Natuna Sea ".

What is Nine Dash Line?
Nine dash line is a line made unilaterally by China without going through the conversion of the law of the sea under the United Nations or the United Nations Conversion on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). In UNCLOS, the boundaries of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of each country are related to the right to conduct other policies in their territorial waters in accordance with international sea law. This claim has existed since 1947. The nine dash line claim has an impact on the loss of Indonesian waters in an area of approximately 83,000 km2 or 30% of the Indonesian sea area in Natuna. Area of other countries such as; The Philippines and Malaysia decreased 80%, Vietnam 50% and Brunei 90%.
Nine dash line is the main problem of this problem. So there must be firmness from the government to give a warning to China through international maritime law so that this incident does not recur. The government must not be silent. Do not let this give the impression that the North Natuna Sea has become a no-man's land so that foreign countries' claims can easily claim our sovereignty. They can make a profit by taking fish there especially if they exploit the natural resources in the Natuna Sea which is rich in natural resource potential.

How sexy is the natural resource wealth in Natuna?
Reporting from (09/01/2020), fisheries production in Natuna waters per year recorded can reach;
-          Pelagic fish                  : 621,500 tons
-          Demersal fish              : 334,800 tons
-          Large Pelagic Fish      : 66,100 tons
-          Reef fish                     : 21,700 tons
-          Shrimp                        : 11,900 tons
-          Lobster                        : 500 tons

From these data, the achievement of income can reach:
-          Produces 12% of the world's fish catch
-          Become a place of traffic for 30% of the world's maritime trade
-          The trade value is estimated at $ 3.4 trillion in 2016
-          China's energy security depends on the smooth flow of traffic in the South China Sea
-          China imports 70% of the oil it needs
-          80% of imported petroleum must pass through the South China Sea
-          South China Sea is also rich in oil and gas
-          The Chinese version reaches 125 billion barrels of oil, 500 TCF of natural gas
-          Version of the US Energy Information Agency reached 11 billion barrels of petroleum, 190 TCF of natural gas
-          Seven oil and gas blocks in the northern Natuna Sea have been exploited. Production achievements;
·         Gas reaches around 490 million cubic feet per day
·         Oil plus condensate is around 25,000 barrels per day
·         Estimated crude oil revenue of Rp. 23.5 billion per day
·         Assuming crude oil price of $ 67.18 per barrel. $ 1 = Rp. 14,000

Based on the data above, it is clear that Natuna has a very large natural resource wealth not to mention in other places owned by Indonesia as an archipelagic country that is rich in natural resources. As a nation, we certainly do not want our natural resource potentials to be dredged up by foreign countries. So maintaining the sovereignty of this country is our shared obligation to take care of and maintain well.
In dealing with this problem, Indonesia should be careful in taking a stand. But that does not mean indecisive. Quoted from Indonesia's attitude was demonstrated through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, who had protested strongly against the entry of Chinese ships in the waters of Indonesia's EEZ. She had summoned the Chinese Ambassador that China had broken into Indonesia's territory. For this attitude, Retno received support from members of the Indonesian Parliament.
In taking this decision, the government must be careful because if the government can make the wrong decision, the risk of the most severe impact will trigger a war. The diplomatic path must be taken first to avoid misunderstandings that trigger long-term conflicts between the two countries. Because of China is a country that has long established bilateral relations with Indonesia. In fact, in the near future there will be a 70-year celebration of establishing bilateral relations between the two countries.

The solution?
Meanwhile, according to Mahfud MD when asked for his opinion on the Mata Najwa program, He said: "We have discussed this with the president. Anyway, there is no vacancy there. There must be fishermen who fill it because if we let, foreigners will fill it and there can be de facto claims. We will help as soon as possible our fishermen such as fuel subsidies and will be escorted by the government to prevent abuse and destruction in the middle of the sea. And also we will try to make a fish shelter. There have been many entrepreneurs investing there so that not every time they go straight to sea they will be accommodated there. Actually, this presidential order has been discussed and regulated since 2016. So in my opinion, there are two solutions to this problem. First, strengthening the patrol is held and the volume must be increased. Second, our fishermen must fill the vacancy there because if not, foreign fishermen will go to sea and take advantage of their wealth.”

Fishermen's Problems
The government is opening the door as wide as possible for fishermen who want to catch fish in the EEZ of the North Natuna region so that the area in Natuna is not claimed by foreigners. It is also a form of existentialism that the region belongs to Indonesia. The government even invites fishermen from Pantura to sail and catch fish there. Not that the fishermen do not want to catch fish there so that the northern Natuna region is deserted. But fishermen are confronted by a number of problems encountered.
Riswanto, a fisherman from Pantura said: "When foreign fishermen are intensively conducting illegal fishing, we ourselves are still busy with regulations. So we cannot fill the emptiness that we should be able to get there. This is our own initiative to join Natuna. We were asked by the Menkopolhukam to come and form a team for further coordination and related regulations also to go to Natuna what the mechanism was like. For sailing there, it took 2 months to arrive. Our fuel needs 20-30 tons there at industry prices. That's the obstacle. So we ask that a special price policy be given for us to go there. That will reduce the costs for operational costs there." He stressed.
Thus Riswanto as a fisherman from Pantura gave a statement who was willing to sail in Natuna and asked for help from the government to relieve operational costs to Natuna. So, what is the attitude of the fishermen in Natuna itself. Do they mind if there are fishermen from outside the Natuna area to be allowed to go to sea to Natuna?
Hendri, as the chairman of Natuna fishermen gave his response: "The issue of pantura fishermen dating to Natuna has existed since 2 years ago which was echoed by Mr. President himself. There is a discourse that there will be 2,000 fishermen coming to Natuna. That is our concern in Natuna. There will be a fishing ground (catchment area). Because so far what has happened in Natuna is that many fishermen have come to our area from the Riau Islands, some from Tanjung bale Karimun, Bintan, and also from deer. They are large ships above 20-30 gross tons. This becomes our problem at Natuna. While our fishermen in Natuna, our vessels are under 5 gross tons. And ships capable of sailing in the disputed region had a capacity of 7 gross tons. And even then not much, it can only be counted on the fingers. Well, if there were any more fishermen from outside the Natuna area, it would be a concern for our friends in Natuna."

Government's homework
At an exclusive event in Mata Najwa (09/01/2020), the president's chief of staff, Moeldoko revealed: "We must understand the President's actions that there is no negotiation in terms of sovereignty. In this case, it is the duty of the government. First, improve the regulation of our fishermen to make it easier to go to sea in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Natuna waters. Second, the fishermen's activities in Natuna should not be empty. Third, the Exploitation of Natural Resources there is immediately carried out so that the existence of our territory is well preserved. Fourth, how to strengthen our security. Bakamla's strength must be strengthened, and the strength of TNI AL must also be increased. "He concluded.


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